Seining Jacksonville Beach.  Submitted by L. Reimann. 

The below pictures depict an adventure of catch-and-release-seining fun with the kids.  The grandfather says he loves to take his grandchildren seining.  

Thad A., Georgia -

"It was fun for all. We didn't get into the shrimp this day, but we did catch a bunch of blue crabs and a few whiting."

We are very appreciative of our customers who let us know how much they enjoy our products.  Following are notes we have received from our customers.  If you would like to submit a review, please Contact Us.

light house with flag
Two men holding a seine net in the surf
man holding a seine net over his shoulders

Matt Lewis, Georgia -

"I want to really thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I'm sure that none of the big dealers could provide nowhere near the service that you have provided me with. I will be sure to recommend you to others also!"

3 fish faces held by men

"This is definitely a great family making great seines. Went seining for the first time and in 5 pulls we filled a 5-gallon bucket. Bonus catch were the mullet and herring." - Kim Family 

"Received my seine today and I am amazed at the workmanship!  Looks great and I am sure I will enjoy.  Thank you for the fast response.  Feel free to use me as a reference." - R. Bayles, Alabama

Two men holding 3 fish caught in seine


Man holding a live blue crab on beach
Kids holding fish to release in surf
Sammie the shrimp logo drawing

       The Highest Quality seine nets in America!

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